Our Telegram group has multiple chats. We have the main chat where people ask for Boosts on their Curiosity Posts and Curiosity Lives. You can support others by clicking the links in this chat and liking and commenting. We DO NOT boost regular motivation, value and lifestyle posts. You want your timeline and engagement to be at a place where it makes sense for Curiosity Posts as per the training videos. You should NOT be requesting boosts until you have received the Curiosity Post File as that indicates that your success coach believes you are ready. Please refer to the Curiosity Post Videos for additional information.
Please only do one quick comment daily in this chat when you are performing your Boosting task (Congrats upgrades, welcome new members, have a great day) there is No Need to Reply to Individual Posts please.
We will be deleting everything that doesn’t belong so that all the important things are being seen by all members.
We have also created a BRAND NEW Social Chat for all the SOCIAL Butterflies 🦋
Feel Free to chat it up but keep in mind it is not an IPA. This is the chat to ask questions and help lift others spirits
You can join the Telegram group and download the Telegram app from the "Get Started" section of the Member's Area. Click Here To Go There Now